function cmap = fireice(m) % FIREICE LightCyan-Cyan-Blue-Black-Red-Yellow-LightYellow Colormap % % FIREICE(M) Creates a colormap with M colors % % Inputs: % M - (optional) an integer between 1 and 256 specifying the number % of colors in the colormap. Default is 64. % % Outputs: % CMAP - an Mx3 colormap matrix % % Example: % imagesc(peaks(500)) % colormap(fireice), colorbar %m % Example: % imagesc(interp2(rand(10),2)) % colormap(fireice); colorbar % % See also: hot, jet, hsv, gray, copper, bone, cold, vivid, colors % % Author: Joseph Kirk % Email: % Release: 1.0 % Date: 07/29/09 % Default Colormap Size if ~nargin m = 64; end % LightCyan-Cyan-Blue-Black-Red-Yellow-LightYellow clrs = [0.75 1 1; 0 1 1; 0 0 1;... 0 0 0; 1 0 0; 1 1 0; 1 1 0.75]; y = -3:3; if mod(m,2) delta = min(1,6/(m-1)); half = (m-1)/2; yi = delta*(-half:half)'; else delta = min(1,6/m); half = m/2; yi = delta*nonzeros(-half:half); end cmap = interp2(1:3,y,clrs,1:3,yi);